Calling all accomplished leaders looking to secure the
executive or C-suite role they deserve

Take charge of your career and cut through the corporate noise with unconventional, proven strategies that WORK

Become the Obvious Hire

Calling all accomplished leaders looking to secure the executive or C-suite role they deserve


Take charge of your career and cut through the corporate noise with unconventional, proven strategies that WORK


Become the Obvious Hire

You’ve always been a force, in and out of work: you’re the linchpin holding projects and teams together, evaluating whose strengths are best suited where while advising team members with poise and fierce determination.


Your track record? A series of surpassed expectations and goals not just met, but obliterated.


At work, you’re not just a leader. You’re the beacon, guiding your team and company to success. Team members turn to you for advice because they trust your knowledge and expertise.


Yet, despite your years of unwavering dedication, that coveted promotion eludes you. Or, even more disheartening, your role becomes redundant. That sting you’re feeling? It’s more than disappointment. It’s a challenge.


You take a breath and dive back in with the resilience that’s defined your career. Hours spent perfecting your resume, each line echoing your accomplishments. You reach out to the industry’s best and new connections, waiting for the floodgates of opportunities to open.


But all you're met with is deafening silence.


You pivot, re-emphasizing your leadership prowess and targeting roles that seem crafted just for you. Still, the echoing silence persists, trickling anxiety into your bloodstream.


The anxiety creeps into doubt, turning insidious. You have always been the sought-after name, the referred talent. What happened? Why now–why do you feel invisible amidst the sea of professionals?


You need to amplify your voice and spotlight your unparalleled blend of leadership and skill–even amongst the ocean of talent.


The job market has changed. It’s not just about ticking boxes anymore and applying to seemingly good-fit positions. It’s a stage for innovators and trailblazers, for those adept at steering through the ever-evolving corporate maze.


Now? It’s time to shift that narrative. Position yourself not just as a leader, but as the visionary the modern corporate world craves.

Redefine your professional legacy and take charge of your career with proven, no-BS strategies that tap into your skills and the hidden job market.

“Being referred by a fellow Chief member, I approached Teegan with a mix of hope and apprehension…I felt a growing misalignment of values at my current company. Teegan didn't just listen; she understood. With her guidance, we wove my intricate career story into a compelling narrative. Her commitment to my goals was unwavering. I can't recommend her expertise enough." 

— Sarika L., Chief Talent Officer

You’ve been stuck in the vast sea of the job market for longer than you’d like and the glacial swim out is frustrating. I’ve been there too, nursing the sting of a rescinded offer and scrolling through endless job boards. 


You wanna hear the truth? There’s a more strategic and effective way–and I’ve distilled it into a step-by-step process that has transformed the careers of thousands of professionals just like you:

It all starts with you. This is a commonly overlooked step that’s crucial to your success. By diving deep and unearthing your true values, aspirations, and passions, you can carve a career path that doesn’t just pay the bills but fulfills your life.

 Stand out in a world full of noise. Craft a magnetic presence across all of your platforms. Leave a lasting impression with your LinkedIn profile, resume, and portfolio glowing with your skills and story.

 The old job search playbook? Toss it. Instead, embrace cutting-edge networking techniques, learn to cultivate invaluable recruiter relationships, and ensure you’re not just prepared but primed for every interview.

 It’s more than just landing a job. It’s about securing the RIGHT job. The perfect fit has the right company culture, aligns seamlessly with your aspirations, and compensates you what you command.

This is the game-changer you’ve been looking for. It’s time to jolt your career. 


Say goodbye to the endless job hunt and say hello to becoming an offer magnet.

You’ve been stuck in the vast sea of the job market for longer than you’d like and the glacial swim out is frustrating. I’ve been there too, nursing the sting of a rescinded offer and scrolling through endless job boards. 


You wanna hear the truth? There’s a more strategic and effective way–and I’ve distilled it into a step-by-step process that has transformed the careers of thousands of professionals just like you:

It all starts with you. This is a commonly overlooked step that’s crucial to your success. By diving deep and unearthing your true values, aspirations, and passions, you can carve a career path that doesn’t just pay the bills but fulfills your life.

 Stand out in a world full of noise. Craft a magnetic presence across all of your platforms. Leave a lasting impression with your LinkedIn profile, resume, and portfolio glowing with your skills and story.

 The old job search playbook? Toss it. Instead, embrace cutting-edge networking techniques, learn to cultivate invaluable recruiter relationships, and ensure you’re not just prepared but primed for every interview.

 It’s more than just landing a job. It’s about securing the RIGHT job. The perfect fit has the right company culture, aligns seamlessly with your aspirations, and compensates you what you command.

This is the game-changer you’ve been looking for. It’s time to jolt your career. 


Say goodbye to the endless job hunt and say hello to becoming an offer magnet.

“After 10 years in the same regional VP role, the opportunity came for me to assume a national role requiring PE approval. Teegan helped me prepare every step of the way, from creating a resume to gaining sponsorships and continued support during complex compensation negotiations."

– David R., Vice President of Operations 

Amidst the fiercest job market competition ever, having an ace up your sleeve can make all the difference. But here’s the catch: I’m not your typical career coach. 


I’m Teegan Bartos, certified career coach and subject matter expert for the National Resume Writers Association, Forbes, Jobscan, and LinkedIn. Not only am I an award-winning professional resume writer, but my unique vantage point comes from being deeply entrenched in both hiring and recruiting, allowing me to witness the good, bad, and downright unethical. 


My time with the Department of Labor granted me insights into the cracks of traditional job search methods, and more importantly, how to morally maneuver around them. You’re not just getting advice with me. You’re leveraging a trifecta of expertise that’s rare in this field. 


I started my journey with the Department of Labor’s WIOA grant, where I championed the Technology, Marketing, and Manufacturing sectors, aiding those hit by unemployment or RIFS. I eventually transitioned into coaching, where I’ve helped thousands of ambitious professionals commandeer their careers. 


My specialty? Fast-tracking individuals with outdated skills from less-recognized companies into the roles that they truly deserve.

My stint as a recruiter unveiled the intricacies of the hiring world: the commendable, the questionable, and the downright unfair. This experience opened my eyes to gaps that I knew were blindspots to countless others. I founded Jolt Your Career with this desire to make a tangible difference, dedicated to cutting through the BS that impacts amazing leaders just like you. 


I’ve spent over a decade turning career aspirations into realities. Working together doesn’t involve just finding another job; it involves securing a fulfilling career where your income truly reflects your impact.

Amidst the fiercest job market competition ever, having an ace up your sleeve can make all the difference. But here’s the catch: I’m not your typical career coach. 


I’m Teegan Bartos, certified career coach and subject matter expert for the National Resume Writers Association, Forbes, Jobscan, and LinkedIn. Not only am I an award-winning professional resume writer, but my unique vantage point comes from being deeply entrenched in both hiring and recruiting, allowing me to witness the good, bad, and downright unethical. 


My time with the Department of Labor granted me insights into the cracks of traditional job search methods, and more importantly, how to morally maneuver around them. You’re not just getting advice with me. You’re leveraging a trifecta of expertise that’s rare in this field. 


I started my journey with the Department of Labor’s WIOA grant, where I championed the Technology, Marketing, and Manufacturing sectors, aiding those hit by unemployment or RIFS. I eventually transitioned into coaching, where I’ve helped thousands of ambitious professionals commandeer their careers. 


My specialty? Fast-tracking individuals with outdated skills from less-recognized companies into the roles that they truly deserve.

My stint as a recruiter unveiled the intricacies of the hiring world: the commendable, the questionable, and the downright unfair. This experience opened my eyes to gaps that I knew were blindspots to countless others. I founded Jolt Your Career with this desire to make a tangible difference, dedicated to cutting through the BS that impacts amazing leaders just like you. 


I’ve spent over a decade turning career aspirations into realities. Working together doesn’t involve just finding another job; it involves securing a fulfilling career where your income truly reflects your impact.

Traditional job searching is outdated. My proven, no-BS strategies deliver real results.

The dusty old advice just doesn’t cut it anymore and the evidence speaks for itself: conventional wisdom and the old ways of job searching are no longer effective. Don’t take my word for it though–take it from real-life success stories from professionals who’ve experienced transformative career shifts using my unconventional strategies: 

→ Meghan: Achieved an executive transition from banking to SaaS in just 30 days

→ Joyce: Made a staggering 358% career leap transitioning out of non-profit leadership 

→ Eileen: Returned to the workforce after a 14-year career break into a senior-level title 

→ Noel: Pivoted from Big 4 to private consulting to an executive auditing position

These are not anomalies. They’re the norm when you embrace a strategy that truly works.

“Teegan gives you the hard truth but in a way that is building you up, not tearing you down. She knows what is needed in this market and has her finger on the pulse of the industry.”

 - Bryan Cassidy, Senior Account Manager


The Perfect FIT Accelerator

The career-jolting coaching program for corporate leaders looking to secure the top-tier leadership positions they deserve.


Inside this one-of-a-kind career coaching program, you’ll learn:

Here’s what’s inside The Perfect FIT Accelerator:

➤➤ Done-for-you professional resume writing

A glowing resume should articulate your story and effectively showcase your skills. Create a compelling case for your candidacy with a customized cover letter that speaks to your desired position. 

Walk away with a professionally written resume, cover letter, and resume distribution to Teegan’s network of 12,000+ professionals.

➤➤ Private 1:1 coaching and weekly group coaching

Exhaust your fears during your private, 1:1 coaching sessions where we’ll discuss your goals and create a strategy to land the job you’ve been searching for. Deepen your relationships and network during weekly group coaching sessions where we’ll discuss current struggles and any questions. 

Walk away with personalized strategy and group support with an expanded professional network.

PLUS exclusive resources inside The Vault, an award-winning career coaching platform with access to everything you need in your job search at your fingertips.


The Vault is a collection of incredible PROVEN, self-paced resources meticulously tailored to jolt your job search strategy. Renowned job-seeking platform Teal recognized The Vault for its library of resources including interview cheat sheets, networking scripts, templates, and strategies that work, even in this crowded job market. 


Pairing your coaching experience with these invaluable resources will catapult you into the executive or C-suite role you deserve.


Inside The Vault you'll find:

Module 1

Burnout and Mindset


Ignite your confidence with tools designed to keep you at your best–even if the job search feels overwhelming. Create a powerful morning routine that allows you to stay cool, collected, and determined even when facing rejection from potential employers. 

Walk away with an unshakable base to kickstart your job search.

Module 2

Career Clarity


Utilize the 4-step framework to increase your career satisfaction with the Perfect FIT Strategy. Say goodbye to murky career paths and discover the clarity the Perfect FIT framework provides for career-long success. 

Walk away with a simplified roadmap to achieving your desired goals.

Module 3

Job Search Strategy


Incorporate high-ROI job search strategies and learn how to access the hidden job market–where 80% of jobs are hidden. Crack the code on how to land a role without ever applying and snag our exclusive Ultimate Interview Preparation Cheat Sheet so you can stay on top of your interview game.

Walk away with a week-by-week action plan designed to accelerate your results and give you an advantage over your competitors.

Module 4

Professional Branding


Transform your personal brand and become a job offer magnet. Land a 5+ figure salary increase by setting yourself apart with scripts and tips proven to make you memorable to potential employers and utilize advanced LinkedIn strategies to optimize your profile. 

Walk away with an optimized LinkedIn profile brimming with powerful keywords and a personal, professional brand that evokes your skills and confidence.

Module 5

Interviewing and Salary Negotiation


Create a ripple effect in your life and career and take control of the negotiation before it begins. Learn top-tier interview and salary negotiation skills so you can leverage your expertise.

Walk away with the framework cultivated to help you take action and massively implement change.

Module 6

New Job Success


Time to celebrate! Map out your new goals as an employee and strategize manageable milestones tied to your position and success.

Walk away with your customized 30-60-90 day plan with clear goals and an action plan to achieve them before your first 90 days as a new employee.

Here’s what’s inside The Perfect FIT Accelerator:

➤➤ Done-for-you professional resume writing

A glowing resume should articulate your story and effectively showcase your skills. Create a compelling case for your candidacy with a customized cover letter that speaks to your desired position. 

Walk away with a professionally written resume, cover letter, and resume distribution to Teegan’s network of 12,000+ professionals.

➤➤ Private 1:1 coaching and weekly group coaching

Exhaust your fears during your private, 1:1 coaching sessions where we’ll discuss your goals and create a strategy to land the job you’ve been searching for. Deepen your relationships and network during weekly group coaching sessions where we’ll discuss current struggles and any questions. 

Walk away with personalized strategy and group support with an expanded professional network.

PLUS exclusive resources inside The Vault, an award-winning career coaching platform with access to everything you need in your job search at your fingertips.


The Vault is a collection of incredible PROVEN, self-paced resources meticulously tailored to jolt your job search strategy. Renowned job-seeking platform Teal recognized The Vault for its library of resources including interview cheat sheets, networking scripts, templates, and strategies that work, even in this crowded job market. 


Pairing your coaching experience with these invaluable resources will catapult you into the executive or C-suite role you deserve.


Inside The Vault you'll find:

Module 1

Burnout and Mindset


Ignite your confidence with tools designed to keep you at your best–even if the job search feels overwhelming. Create a powerful morning routine that allows you to stay cool, collected, and determined even when facing rejection from potential employers. 

Walk away with an unshakable base to kickstart your job search.

Module 2

Career Clarity


Utilize the 4-step framework to increase your career satisfaction with the Perfect FIT Strategy. Say goodbye to murky career paths and discover the clarity the Perfect FIT framework provides for career-long success. 

Walk away with a simplified roadmap to achieving your desired goals.

Module 3

Job Search Strategy


Incorporate high-ROI job search strategies and learn how to access the hidden job market–where 80% of jobs are hidden. Crack the code on how to land a role without ever applying and snag our exclusive Ultimate Interview Preparation Cheat Sheet so you can stay on top of your interview game.

Walk away with a week-by-week action plan designed to accelerate your results and give you an advantage over your competitors.

Module 4

Professional Branding


Transform your personal brand and become a job offer magnet. Land a 5+ figure salary increase by setting yourself apart with scripts and tips proven to make you memorable to potential employers and utilize advanced LinkedIn strategies to optimize your profile. 

Walk away with an optimized LinkedIn profile brimming with powerful keywords and a personal, professional brand that evokes your skills and confidence.

Module 5

Interviewing and Salary Negotiation


Create a ripple effect in your life and career and take control of the negotiation before it begins. Learn top-tier interview and salary negotiation skills so you can leverage your expertise.

Walk away with the framework cultivated to help you take action and massively implement change.

Module 6

New Job Success


Time to celebrate! Map out your new goals as an employee and strategize manageable milestones tied to your position and success.

Walk away with your customized 30-60-90 day plan with clear goals and an action plan to achieve them before your first 90 days as a new employee.

Not only will you get all the tools you need to secure an executive or C-suite role…

This is what truly sets this holistic program apart:

Your Investment: $3,997

Jolt My Career

“I would recommend [Teegan] without hesitation. She helped me…[improve] my resume, helped with LinkedIn optimization, interview skills, [and] I received multiple offers. She was there at every step of the way to guide, build confidence, and celebrate success. She is a Career Coach in [the] truest sense.”

 - Balwinder Kaur, senior cloud solution architect and developer advocate at Microsoft

The Perfect FIT Accelerator isn’t for everyone

Hearing what you want doesn’t get you anywhere, especially if it comes with generic advice. If you value honest, straightforward discussion and guidance over glossy, unhelpful dialogue then The Perfect FIT Accelerator is what you’ve been searching for. 

Then let’s talk. You’re exactly who The Perfect FIT Accelerator is designed for. 

The Perfect FIT Accelerator Guarantee

You’re confident in your leadership capabilities, but if opportunities aren’t knocking and referrals aren’t flowing, and recruiters aren’t reaching out, then there’s a disconnect in how your value is perceived. We need a transformation in that narrative so that you can start attracting offers like a magnet. 


Unlike many career coaching programs, I work with you until you land the role you’ve been looking for. I care about your success as much as you do, and my holistic, comprehensive approach provides you with the tools you need to jolt your career and create a ripple effect in your life. I’m confident that you’ll not only secure an interview but you’ll also find the work you’re looking for to advance your career and fulfill your life. 


How confident are we? So confident that we’ll offer you additional 1:1 coaching sessions at no extra cost. 


The Perfect FIT Accelerator guarantee is trifold:








We don’t want unhappy money–if you’ve put forth your best effort and haven’t landed the role you’re looking for yet, we’ll continue to work together until you do. 

Jolt My Career

The Perfect FIT Accelerator Guarantee

You’re confident in your leadership capabilities, but if opportunities aren’t knocking and referrals aren’t flowing, and recruiters aren’t reaching out, then there’s a disconnect in how your value is perceived. We need a transformation in that narrative so that you can start attracting offers like a magnet. 


Unlike many career coaching programs, I work with you until you land the role you’ve been looking for. I care about your success as much as you do, and my holistic, comprehensive approach provides you with the tools you need to jolt your career and create a ripple effect in your life. I’m confident that you’ll not only secure an interview but you’ll also find the work you’re looking for to advance your career and fulfill your life. 


How confident are we? So confident that we’ll offer you additional 1:1 coaching sessions at no extra cost. 

The Perfect FIT Accelerator guarantee is trifold:

We don’t want unhappy money–if you’ve put forth your best effort and haven’t landed the role you’re looking for yet, we’ll continue to work together until you do. 

Jolt My Career

The Perfect FIT Framework

Together we take bits and pieces of who you are and your background and tie them in a neat bow that tells your story succinctly and brands you as the aspiring executive that you are.

Find My Perfect FIT

Jolt your career with proven, diversified strategies that have helped thousands of professionals like you


In the realm of corporate leadership, where stakes are high and competition is fierce, you deserve more than just cookie-cutter advice. You need a program that recognizes and amplifies your leadership potential. 


Here’s why The Perfect FIT Accelerator is the gold standard for ambitious corporate leaders and executives:

The bottom line? The Perfect FIT Accelerator is meticulously crafted for the ambitious executive and doesn't miss the mark. Elevate your leadership trajectory with a program that truly understands your aspirations.

“After 28 years working for the same hospital, I was not expecting my layoff. I was working as an RN at a non-profit when my son suggested I join Teegan’s program. Within the first week of completing it, I got an offer making over 350% more and I never even applied!”

- Joyce, Hospital Leadership

Your decision to join The Perfect FIT Accelerator will be a catalyst to the rest of your career 


In the solitude of your office, surrounded by the tangible evidence of your hard-won achievements, a persistent thought gnaws at you: "Why, despite all this, am I continually overlooked for roles I was born to lead?"


It's not a reflection of your worth or capability. The corporate world has evolved, becoming a labyrinth of politics, favoritism, and shifting sands. The strategies that once propelled you forward now seem outdated in this new era.


This is where the Perfect FIT Accelerator comes in.


You're not merely chasing a title or a corner office. You're pursuing a legacy. A role that not only recognizes your worth but amplifies your influence, rewards your expertise, and lets you leave an indelible mark. To ascend to such heights, you need more than just skills. You need a cutting-edge strategy.


Our program isn't just another coaching program where you drift amongst the sea of students. It's a transformative experience designed to position you as an irreplaceable asset in your industry. We dive deep, tapping into your aspirations, and craft a bespoke roadmap that doesn't just aim for the C-suite but aims to revolutionize it.


You've sat through countless seminars, nodding along to generic advice that barely scratches the surface. Now, it's time for a tailored approach that truly resonates with your unique journey and aspirations. The Perfect FIT Accelerator is that beacon of hope.


Don't let another year fade away, watching peers step into roles you're more than qualified for. It's time to stake your claim, to ascend to unparalleled leadership heights.


I'm Ready to Jolt My Career

Your Investment: $3,997

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Your Investment: $3,997

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